Cadman's Cottage

Note for Parents: If you have kids under 12, please read the story first and decide if you think your child can handle the content. We don't want to frighten them too much. If it is too much, just find the secret letter and continue on the hunt.
These days it’s a cute old cottage with Harbour views – the perfect vantage point to greet holidaymakers stepping off a tropical cruise. But in early Sydney, Cadman’s Cottage was the site of some pretty creepy goings-on.
One morning in November 1844, a man named Jean Videll brought a chest to the jetty (Cadman’s Cottage was right on the water in those days), containing his boss, Thomas Warne, who he had murdered the night before. He tried to hire a boatman to dump it out at sea, but the boatman doubted him. He alerted the nearest cop, and Videll was arrested.
The Secret Letter: O
Link to the map here to find the next building