The Old Coroner's Court

Note for Parents: If you have kids under 12, please read the story first and decide if you think your child can handle the content. We don't want to frighten them too much. If it is too much, just find the secret letter and continue on the hunt.
Nicknamed The Dead House, for almost 120 years 102-104 George Street was the site of investigations into all cases of unexplained or sudden death in NSW. This included inquests into some of NSW’s most notorious unnatural deaths, like the 1935 ‘shark arm murder’.
In 1935, a fisherman off Coogee Beach hooked a small shark, which was then immediately swallowed by a massive tiger shark. It was taken alive to Coogee Aquarium to become an attraction. Days later it started to seem unwell, just before it vomited up the arm of police informer Jim Smith. An investigation found that this wasn’t an aquatic accident, and foul play was afoot. This story has many chapters in The Rocks – the only witness was later found dead in his car at Dawes Point, and evidence of the murder is said to have been stashed inside a chimney in Kendall Lane.
The Secret Letter: G
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