Filming and Photography

Place Managment NSW supports the Local Government Filming Protocol for location filming in NSW and is responsible for issuing licence agreements for filming and photography activities. All requirements of the Protocol must be met before a licence is issued and the activity is approved.
Amateur photographers are not required to pay a fee or gain a permit to photograph unless it involves additional activity such as blocking streets, constructing a set or additional parking. The Protocol provides guidance in processing high impact stills shoots.
To apply for a licence for:The Rocks, Circular Quay Promenades, Darling Harbour, The Goods Line, Ballast Point Park in Birchgrove, Darling Island Wharf and surrounding parks in Pyrmont, Pyrmont Bay Park, Pirrama Park Boardwalk in Pyrmont and Waterfront Park in Pyrmont, submit a film and photography application to Place Management NSW or contact the venue hire department on (02) 9240 8872 or
Important information:
Film and Photography Application
Parking Application for Place Management NSW spaces
Parking Map of Place Management NSW spaces
Traffic/Pedestrian Control - Link to CBRE's Road/Footway Occupancy Permit Page
Screen NSW website