Pound Paws Dog Day
It's time to celebrate the howl-idays and we have got a jolly day out planned for you.
The Rocks is running FREE Santa Paws Photo sessions for you and your furry friends Saturday 3, 10 and 17 December. And to kick off the fun, we're hosting an event in collaboration with Pound Paws on the first Saturday!
From 10am - 2pm, you'll find:
- Santa Paws Photo Sessions - Bring your furry pooch down for a free pic with Santa. If you don't have one of your own, come down and snap a pic with one of the Pound Paws rescue dogs. No bookings required. First in, best dressed.
- Christmas Themed Pet Market Stalls - Find one of a kind pet accessories, treats and more
- Best Dog Trick/Christmas Themed Costume Competition - with celebrity judges Christa Billich (The Real Housewives of Melbourne and Billich Gallery) Leo Sayer, Crystal Lynn and her pup Manolo Pigmop (Sydney's Crazy Rich Asians).
- Dog Agility Course
- Live Music
You'll find Pound Paws Dog Day at Dawes Point Park on the corner of Lower Fort St and George St, right beneath the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Don't forget to check out the rest of The Rocks Christmas Markets on til 8pm, and explore the Christmas Wonderlanes decorations while you're here.
Pound Paws is an Australian based charity with a mission to encourage the public to adopt instead of shop, reduce the amount of pets on death row each year, educate the Australian public about responsible pet ownership and create a positive movement for our furry friends.