Playfair Street, Atherden Street and The Rocks Square are located in the heart of The Rocks.
The cobblestoned streets and recently renovated Rocks Square give this area a unique character. The Rocks Markets is held at these locations on Fridays and Weekends.
Application and booking information
Public entertainment e.g. music
Functions, Launches
- Public gathering place and passive recreation
- Pedestrian circulation
- Eating and public entertainment
- Retail
- Environmental impact, e.g. noise on surrounding businesses and residents
- Pedestrian circulation along pedestrian zoned Playfair Street
- Cumulative impact of temporary events and activations
- Heritage conservation of sandstone structures and paving
- Weight loading restrictions in The Rocks Square
- Limited power access
- No availability Friday-Sunday during The Rocks Markets unless authorisation is granted by PMNSW
- Limited vehicle access by coordination with PMNSW
- No vehicle access between 10am and 2pm
Inside The Rocks Centre (including accessible)
Pedestrian access
From Playfair Street and Jack Mundey Place (including accessible), Mill Lane, Argyle Street, George Street
Vehicle access
From Argyle Street (south) and George Street (north). No access between 10am and 3pm unless otherwise approved by PMNSW
Metered spaces along Argyle and Harrington Streets (south)
240v - 10 amp, 2 amp 3 phase (5 pin Wilco outlet)
Potable water available on Playfair Street, near Mill Lane steps
In addition to general standards/criteria, the proposed event must:
- Maintain a minimum 1 metre overhead clearance beneath The Rocks Square shade sails
- Maintain a 1 metre set back from the fountain and glass wall adjacent to Mill Lane steps
- Not restrict access to tenants
- Not use generators