We're celebrating International Dog Day all month long with free doga sessions in the park.
Enjoy a doggie spin on your typical yoga class every Sunday in August. Doga is all about connecting with your dog through a series of stretches, breathing exercises and massage. This class is suitable for all age groups and all breeds of dogs!
Thana and Luzette from Hot Dog Yoga will guide you through a fun and easy class. Expect to laugh and be silly and bring the play back into your yoga practice.
Sunday 7 and 14 August - Thana
Sunday 21 and 28 August - Luzette
Remember to bring your own mat and doggie poo bags! Please note all dogs should be leashed throughout the class.
Free for all to attend, No bookings required. Our regular yoga sessions will resume in September.
Wet Weather
In wet weather conditions, our free yoga sessions are hosted online. Keep an eye out on social media for the latest updates and register here to attend the online session.
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