The MCA Mega Draw
The MCA Mega Draw

The MCA Mega Draw


Saturday 15 March 2025, 10am–4pm


140 George Street
The Rocks

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Map, showing The MCA Mega Draw

The Museum of Contemporary Art Australia is your enormous canvas for one day only, where adults and families of all ages can take part in super-sized collaborative, sensory-friendly making activities. The day has been developed in partnership with The A List as part of the Create Space Arts Initiative, and inspired by the colourful and energetic artworks on display in the Museum’s major summer exhibition by Julie Mehretu.

Everyone is invited to get drawing with a super-sized day of drop-in activities throughout the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, developed in partnership with The A List as part of the Create Space Arts Initiative.

The MCA Ausralia will become an enormous canvas for one day only, where adults and families of all ages and abilities can take part in collaborative, sensory-friendly making activities inspired by our major exhibition, Julie Mehretu.

Draw your way from the MCA forecourt at Warrane (Circular Quay) all the way through the building. Start with giant outdoor chalk, experiment with different materials in the Level 3 Family Space, build your own structure using cardboard and visit the cityscape as it grows across Levels 1 and 2. As you move throughout the Museum, watch as a mural moves up the stairwell.

Levels 1, 2 and 3 activities are all free, with tickets required for current exhibitions (free for MCA Members, under 18s and Australian students).